How to choose the Best Learning Platform

From hundreds of learning platforms to choose from, entering the market for a new system can be a daunting experience. And getting it wrong is painful – not only is it an expensive mistake to make, but it is also a drain on time and resources as your team tries to fix problems you hadn’t anticipated and work around the platform, rather than the platform adapting to your needs.

With over a third of organizations actively looking to replace their learning platform, and 45% of these wanting to do so within the next year, it is clear that the standard learning platform selection process is letting many of us down. But with just 9% of organizations being completely satisfied with their LMS, are too many of us making do with systems that don’t fully work for us? Is it time to shake up the status quo and find a better way to choose the right learning platform? If you’re tired of grappling with a platform that is too expensive, not flexible enough and too time consuming to implement and manage, rest assured that it doesn’t have to be like this.

The key groups to consider in your decision-making process are:

·        End Users

·        IT/IS Department

·        Learning Designers

·        Managers

·        Administrators

·        Sales Team

·        Leadership Team

·        Compliance Team

·        Marketing

With hundreds of learning platforms on the market vying for attention with lengthy feature lists and all the bells and whistles you’ll hear about at any industry conference, it’s easy to overlook the flexibility of the software you are considering. When one solution has twice as many features as another, it’s easy to assume that this is the obvious choice. However, what happens if your circumstances change drastically overnight, and suddenly none of these features are fit for purpose? Can the learning platform you’re choosing cope with any potential changes your organization may undergo, whatever they may be?

When it comes to retaining the freedom to innovate, there are several factors to consider:

·        Branding

·        User Experience

·        Integration with Other Systems

·        Device Compatibility

·        Cost

In a business climate driven by rapid technological change, the demands on your organization to adapt and remain competitive will only increase. Maintaining the skills and performance of your employees and stakeholder community is critical to your business strategy.

Investing in systems that can adapt with you, both quickly and cost effectively, keeps you in control, and not at the mercy of any one vendor. The next time you enter into the learning platform procurement process, prioritize flexibility, adaptability and scalability. The organizations who place these requirements at the heart of their procurement decisions will find that their learning strategies are far better supported well into the future – and who can afford to make another costly mistake?

Read more to learn more

Download the complete guide to selecting The Best Learning Platform


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